Home Equity Line of Credit

Home Equity Line of Credit

Are you ready to remodel your home or do you have some critical repairs that need to be done? Maybe you have medical expenses, high interest debt or tuition bills that keep piling up. 

A PHCU Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is a revolving credit loan with a variable rate for homeowners who want to borrow money from the equity in their home to pay for home improvements or other necessities.  Contact PHCU to see if a HELOC may be right for you. 

  • Only pay interest on the funds you advance from your line of credit.
  • Interest rates are typically lower than credit cards, and the interest may be tax deductible*

For more information on a PHCU Home Equity Line of Credit, please call 803-978-2101 to speak to Melissa Plyler at ext 1106.

*Please consult your tax advisor regarding potential interest tax deduction on your state and/or federal tax returns.

To Apply for a HELOC

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