Equifax Breach

Equifax Breach

Equifax, one of the three credit reporting agencies in the U.S., has recently announced a massive security breach, which may have exposed sensitive information of up to 143 million Americans.

Please Click Here to read Equifax's statement in its entirety.

The Federal Trade Commission is recommending you take action to prevent your information from possibly being misused. Visit the FTC website for more information.

If you're worried about identity theft, the SC Department of Consumer Affairs has provided the following information which you may find helpful.

More information can be found by visiting the SC Department of Consumer Affairs website.

Disclaimer: The third-party links above are provided as a courtesy. We don't endorse or control the content of those sites.The information above was obtained from third-party and governmental websites and is not intended as advice from the Credit Union, but is intended only to share these sources of information and resources with you. If you have individual questions regarding the Equifax security breach or any rights you may have, please contact your legal advisor.